Welcome to the TOM FORD BEAUTY Hong Kong Website (the “Site”)

Effective Date: 12 April 2021

Estee Lauder (Hong Kong) Limited (“we”, “us”, or “our”) provides the content and services available on the website, (“Site”) to you subject to the following terms and conditions, our Privacy Policy and other terms and conditions and policies which you may find throughout our Site in connection with certain functionality, features or promotions as well as customer service, all of which are deemed a part of and included within these terms and conditions (collectively, “Terms and Conditions”). You may be accessing our Site from a computer or mobile phone device and these Terms and Conditions govern your use of our Site and your conduct, regardless of the means of access. 

We may also interact with you on third party sites where we post content or invite your feedback, such as Facebook and LinkedIn (“Third Party Sites”). Our Terms and Conditions may provide guidelines in connection with our interactive services, including services that involve Third Party Sites, but we do not control those Third Party Sites, and these Terms and Conditions do not apply to companies that we do not own or control, or to the actions of people that we do not employ or manage. You should also check the terms of use posted on Third Party Sites.

You must be 18 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction in order to make a purchase on our Site. If you are under 18 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, then you may not make a purchase on our Site. By accessing or using the Site, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MAY NOT USE OUR SITE.

1. Privacy

Please review our Privacy Policy so that you may understand our privacy practices.

2. Products and Services for Personal Use

The products and services available on the Site, and any samples thereof we may provide to you, are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products or services, or samples thereof, you purchase or otherwise receive from us. We reserve the right, with or without notice, to cancel or reduce the quantity of any order to be filled or products or services to be provided to you that we believe, in our sole discretion, may result in the violation of our Terms and Conditions.

For Macau residents: You warrant and undertake that any products or samples that you purchase or receive from our Site for delivery to Macau are for personal use only and that you will comply with all applicable import and other legal requirements. We shall not be liable for any non-compliance with such import or other legal requirements.

3. Purchase Related Policies and Procedures

Currently not applicable.

4. Accuracy of Information

We endeavor to be as accurate as possible when describing our products and providing information on the Site; however, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not warrant that the product descriptions, colors, information or other content available on the Site are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

This Site may contain typographical errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. We therefore reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions (including after an order has been submitted) and to change or update information at any time without prior notice. Please note that such errors, inaccuracies or omissions may relate to pricing and availability, and we reserve the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order placed based on incorrect pricing or availability information. We apologize for any inconvenience.

5. Intellectual Property

All information and content available on the Site and its look and feel, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, service marks, features, functions, text, graphics, button icons, images, audio clips, data compilations and software, and the compilation and organization thereof (collectively, the “Content”) is our property or the property of our parents, subsidiaries, our affiliates, partners or licensors, and is protected by applicable laws, including laws governing copyrights and trademarks.

Except as set forth in Section 6 below, or as required under applicable law, neither the Content nor any portion of the Site may be used, reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, accessed, modified, or otherwise exploited, in whole or in part, for any purpose without our express, prior written consent.

6. Limited Licenses; Use Restrictions

We grant you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to access and make personal use of the Site. You understand and agree that you will not do or attempt to do or cause any third party to do or attempt to do any of the following in connection with your use of the Site:

• frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose the Site or any portion thereof;

• use any meta tags, “hidden text”, robots, spiders, crawlers, or other tools, whether manual or automated, to collect, scrape, index, mine, republish, redistribute, transmit, sell, license or download the Site, Content (except caching or as necessary to view the Site), or the personal information of others without our prior written permission or authorization;

• make any use of the Site or any Content other than for personal use;

• modify, reverse engineer or create any derivative works based upon the Site or any Content;

• impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;

• “stalk” or otherwise harass including advocating harassment of another, entrap or harm any third party including harming minors in any way;

• intentionally violate any applicable local, national or international law;

• transmit, upload, post, e-mail, share, distribute, reproduce, or otherwise make available any software viruses, malware, program, code, file, or other material intended to interrupt, disrupt, alter, destroy, or limit any part of the Site; and/or

• engage or make any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitation or promotional material, including chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of “spam”.

We also grant you a limited, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to create a hyperlink to the home page of the Site for personal, non-commercial use only. A website that links to the Site (i) may link to, but not replicate, any and/or all of our Content; (ii) may not imply that we are endorsing such website or its services or products; (iii) may not misrepresent its relationship with us; (iv) may not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, obscene, offensive controversial or illegal or inappropriate for any ages (as determined in our sole discretion); (v) may not portray us or our products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive or objectionable manner, or associate us with undesirable products, services, or opinions; and/or (vi) may not link to any page of the Site other than the home page. We may, in our sole discretion, request that you remove any link to the Site, and upon receipt of such request, you shall immediately remove such link and cease any linking unless separately and expressly authorized in writing by us to resume linking.

Any unauthorized use by you of the Site or any and/or all of our Content automatically terminates the limited licenses set forth in this Section 6 without prejudice to any other remedy provided by applicable law or these Terms and Conditions.

7. Your Obligations and Responsibilities

By accessing or using the Site or any Content, you agree that you will comply with these Terms and Conditions and any warnings or instructions on the Site. You agree that when accessing or using the Site or any Content, you will act in accordance with the law, custom and in good faith. You may not make any change or alteration to the Site or any Content or services that may appear on this Site and may not impair in any way the integrity or operation of the Site. Without limiting the generality of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, if you default negligently or willfully in any of the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions, you shall be liable for all the losses and damages that this may cause to us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners or licensors.

If you access the Site via your mobile phone, we do not currently charge for this access. Please be aware that your carrier’s normal rates and fees, such as data charges, will still apply.

8. Your Account

(Subject to the age restrictions outlined above) You may view and use many features of the Site without registering, including making purchases, but in order to access and use some parts of the Site, you may need to register an account with us. If you choose to register at the Site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account, username and password and for restricting access to your computer. If there has been an unauthorized use of your password or account, please notify us immediately. You are responsible for providing and maintaining current, complete, accurate and truthful information on your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account, username and/or password. If you are accessing and using the Site on someone else’s behalf, you represent that you have the authority to bind that person as the principal to all Terms and Conditions provided herein, and to the extent you do not have such authority you agree to be bound to these Terms and Conditions and to accept liability for harm caused by any wrongful use of the Site or Content resulting from such access or use. You may cancel your account with us at any time by emailing us at We reserve the right to refuse service and/or terminate accounts without prior notice if these Terms and Conditions are violated or if we decide, in our sole discretion, that it would be in our best interest to do so.

9. Third Party Links

We are not responsible for the content of any off-website pages or any other websites linked to or from the Site including Third Party Sites. Links appearing on the Site are for convenience only and are not an endorsement by us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates or partners of the referenced content, product, service, or supplier. You use and access of these off-website pages or any other websites including Third Party Sites is at your own risk. We are in no way responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant the offerings of off-website pages or any other websites linked to or from the Site (including Third Party Sites), nor do we assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, content, products, or services of such websites, including without limitation, their privacy policies and terms and conditions. You should carefully review the privacy policies and terms and conditions of all off-website pages and other websites (including Third Party Sites) that you visit.

10. Special Features, Functionality and Events

The Site may offer certain special offerings or events (such as contests, sweepstakes or other offerings) which may be subject to terms of use, rules and/or policies in addition to or in lieu of these Terms and Conditions. If you choose to take advantage of these offerings, you agree that your use of those offerings may be subject to such additional or separate terms of use, rules and/or policies.

11. User Content

When you transmit, upload, post, e-mail, share, distribute, reproduce or otherwise make available suggestions, ideas, inquiries, feedback, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, images, videos, messages or other materials (“User Content”) on the Site in any manner (including, but not limited to, through the “Contact Us” form), you are entirely responsible for such User Content. You hereby grant to us a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, copy, license, sublicense, adapt, distribute, display, publicly perform, reproduce, transmit, modify, edit, and otherwise exploit such User Content throughout the world, in all media now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation, developing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing products.

You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control the rights to your User Content. You agree not to engage in or assist or encourage others to engage in transmitting, uploading, posting, e-mailing, sharing, distributing, reproducing, or otherwise making available User Content that (a) is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; (b) you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; (c) is known by you to be false, fraudulent, inaccurate or misleading; (d) you were compensated for or granted any consideration by any third party; or (e) infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party.

We are in no way responsible for examining or evaluating User Content, nor do we assume any responsibility or liability for the User Content. We do not endorse or control the User Content transmitted or posted on the Site and therefore, we do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of User Content. You understand that by using the Site, you may be exposed to User Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable to you. Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for any User Content, including without limitation, for any errors or omissions in any User Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by you as a result of the use of any User Content transmitted, uploaded, posted, e-mailed or otherwise made available via the Site. You hereby waive all rights to any claims against us for any alleged or actual infringements of any proprietary rights, rights of privacy and publicity, moral rights, and rights of attribution in connection with User Content.

You acknowledge that we have the right (but not the obligation) in our sole discretion to refuse to post or remove any User Content and we reserve the right to change, condense, or delete any User Content. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, we have the right to remove any User Content that violates these Terms and Conditions or is otherwise objectionable and we reserve the right to refuse service and/or terminate accounts without prior notice for any users who violate these Terms and Conditions or infringe the rights of others.

Deletion of User Content

If you wish to delete certain public User Content, such as your posting(s), on our website or in connection with our mobile applications, please contact us by email at and include the following information in your deletion request: first name, user name/screen name (if applicable), email address associated with our website and/or mobile applications, your reason for deleting the posting, and date(s) of posting(s) you wish to delete (if you have it). We may not be able to process your deletion request if you are unable to provide such information to us. Please allow up to 10 business days to process your deletion request. We also note that it may not be possible to entirely delete posting(s) because cached web pages may continue to exist.

12. Copyright Complaints

We respect the intellectual property of others and require that users of the Site do the same. We also maintain a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of the Site’s use privileges of users who are repeat infringers of intellectual property rights. If you believe that copyrighted materials have been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please send an e-mail or written notice to our Designated Agent for notices of infringement and provide the following: (i) identification of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim has been infringed and a signed confirmation that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf; (ii) a description of the material that you claim is infringing and the location of that material on the Site; (iii) your address, telephone number and email address; (iv) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

Our Designated Agent for notice for claims of copyright infringement is Gregg Marrazzo, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc., 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10153. Telephone: (212) 277-2320, Email:


13. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability





14. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors, officers, directors, employees, and agents (the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless for any loss, damages or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any third party claim, action, or demand resulting from your use of the Site or any Content (including User Content), or any of our products or services purchased on the Site, or your breach of these Terms and Conditions. You also agree to indemnify the Indemnified Parties for any loss, damages, or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from your use of software robots, spiders, crawlers, or similar data gathering and extraction tools, or any other action you take that imposes an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure.

15. Disputes

With respect to any dispute, claim or controversy regarding the Site, all rights and obligations and all actions contemplated by these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (“Hong Kong”), as if the Terms and Conditions were a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed within Hong Kong. Any dispute relating in any way to your use of the Site shall be referred to and finally resolved by confidential arbitration in Hong Kong and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction and proceedings thereof, except that, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of our affiliates, partners or licensors or otherwise have a cause of action in equity, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any court of competent jurisdiction and you consent to jurisdiction and venue in any such court for such purposes. Arbitration under this agreement shall be administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) under the “HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules” in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. The law of this arbitration clause shall be Hong Kong law. The place of arbitration shall be Hong Kong. The number of arbitrators shall be three. The arbitration shall be conducted in English language. The arbitrator's award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that any arbitration or proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between us and you individually, and (i) no arbitration or proceeding shall be joined with any other; (ii) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class action-basis or to utilize class action procedures; and (iii) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons. You agree that you may bring claims against us only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding.

16. Consent to Receive Notices Electronically by Posting on the Site and Via Email

You consent to receive any agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications (collectively, “Notices”) to which these Terms and Conditions refer from us electronically including without limitation by e-mail or by posting notices on this Site. You agree that all Notices that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. To withdraw your consent to receive Notices electronically, you must notify us of your withdrawal of such consent by emailing us at and discontinue your use of this Site. In such event, all rights granted to you pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to Section 6 hereof, shall automatically terminate. Unfortunately, we cannot provide the benefits of this Site to any user that cannot consent to receipt of Notices electronically.

Please note that this consent to receive Notices is entirely separate from any election you may make with respect to receipt of marketing communications. Your options with respect to receipt of marketing communications are set forth in our Privacy Policy.

17. General

You acknowledge and agree that these Terms and Conditions constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between us concerning your use of the Site, and supersede and govern all prior proposals, agreements, or other communications.

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting the changes on the Site and providing notice of such change. The Effective Date of the current version of the Terms and Conditions is at the top of this page. Your continued use of the Site thereafter constitutes your agreement to all such changed Terms and Conditions. We may, with or without prior notice, terminate any of the rights granted by these Terms and Conditions. You shall comply immediately with any termination or other notice, including, as applicable, by ceasing all use of the Site.

Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, or other form of joint enterprise between us. Our failure to require your performance of any provision hereof shall not affect our full right to require such performance at any time thereafter, nor shall our waiver of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself. In the event that any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or be so held by any applicable arbitral award or court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms and Conditions unenforceable or invalid as a whole but these Terms and Conditions shall be modified, to the extent possible, by the adjudicating entity to most fully reflect the original intent of the parties as reflected in the original provision. The headings in the Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not be used in its interpretation.

If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please email us at

Remark: If there is any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions of this policy, the English version shall prevail.


Last updated July 1, 2024

Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program:
Terms and Conditions of Participation


1. Membership Eligibility and Overview

1.1. The Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program (“Program”) is offered at the sole discretion of Tom Ford Beauty operated by Estée Lauder (Hong Kong) Limited and Estee Lauder (Macau) Limited (“Tom Ford Beauty,” “we,” “our” or “us”).  The Program is available to individuals for their personal use only and is limited to one account per individual. Corporations, associations or other groups may not participate in the Program. The Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program is available to individuals who are at least 18 years old and who provide and maintain a valid email address are eligible to become members with any eligible purchase. Employees of the Estée Lauder companies and employees and individuals employed by our business partners or vendors who are interested to join this Program for personal use will not be eligible for certain Program benefits.

1.2. By joining the Program and becoming a Program member, you (individually and collectively, “you,” “your,” or “Member”), agree that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program: Terms and Conditions of Participation (the “Terms”) and by any changes or modifications we may make.  You should review these Terms and the related policies and FAQs frequently to understand the terms and conditions that apply to the Program as they may change from time to time.  These Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with us, including any agreement for products or services.  By enrolling in the Program, you also agree to be bound by our website Privacy Policy ( and our website Terms and Conditions ( are incorporated herein by reference.  If you do not agree to these Terms, our website Privacy Policy, and our website Terms and Conditions, you cannot participate in the Program. The Program is void where prohibited by law.

2. Program Enrollment

2.1. Eligible individuals may enroll in the Program through below options:

2.1.1. Visit any freestanding store*, Concept Store* or department store counter** operated by Tom Ford Beauty in Hong Kong or Macau (collectively “Stores”, and each a “Store”) and tell our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist you would like to register for the Program.

*Tom Ford Beauty freestanding stores or Concept Store participating in the Program are situated at the following locations: New Town Plaza, K11 Musea, Harbour City and Pop-up Store. This list is subject to change from time-to-time in accordance with section 6 of these Terms below.

**Tom Ford Beauty department store counters participating in the Program are located at the following third party department stores: Lane Crawford, SOGO, Harvey Nichols, Langham Beauty and New Yaohan (Macau). This list is subject to change from time-to-time in accordance with section 6 of these Terms below.

2.2. You are required to provide your full name, mobile phone number, email address and month of birth in order to enroll. In order to access your birthday surprises, you will need to provide us with your birth month. You will also have the opportunity to provide us with your preferred salutation, mailing address and age group, but this information is optional. You are solely responsible for maintaining the accuracy of your account information and for updating it as required. You may update your personal information in person at any of the Stores.

2.3. Only one Program account may be associated with a single member and a single email address and mobile phone number.  In the event of a dispute over the identity of the member enrolled in the Program, the member will be deemed to be the authorized account holder of the email address or mobile phone number submitted at the time of enrollment.  For purposes of these Terms, the "authorized account holder" is the natural person who is assigned to the submitted email address or mobile phone number by an internet provider, online service provider, or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address or mobile phone number. 

3. How the Program Works

3.1. The Program is a way in which we reward and thank our loyal customers for purchasing our products and for participating in certain brand experiences.  You are able to earn points and reach Program loyalty tiers by making eligible purchases or taking certain other Program actions.  You will receive at least 1 point for every HK$1 or MOP$1 spent on eligible purchases in any Store.  Eligible purchases and other opportunities to earn points and reach Program loyalty tiers will be communicated via member communications (e.g. SMS/MMS, EDM, etc.) or may be published through other media (e.g., in marketing communications, social media, etc.). 

Once you have reached a certain loyalty tier and/or accumulated points, you may be eligible for certain benefits and rewards applicable to that tier and/or number of points in a Qualifying Year (defined below), which benefits may change from time to time and may be offered on a limited basis. Visit our FAQs to learn more about earning points and reaching the Program loyalty tiers.

3.2. The Program is a tier-based program determined by the qualifying spend on eligible purchases and through qualifying activities, with each annual period under the Program beginning on 1 July and ending on 30 June of subsequent year (“Qualifying Year”). There are 4 tiers with associated benefits:

• Tier 1, TF Member                 $1 – $2,499
• Tier 2, Silver Member           $2,500 – $4,499
• Tier 3, Gold Member             $4,500 – $9,999
• Tier 4, Black Member            $10,000 or above

When you purchase anything of $1 - $2,499 in value, you’ll automatically be placed in Tier 1, TF Member and be eligible for all the benefits Tier 1 members receive. Once you spend at least $2,500 in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be automatically moved up to Tier 2, Silver Member. When you spend $4,500 or more in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be qualified for Tier 3, Gold Member. When you spend $10,000 or more in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be qualified for Tier 4, Black Member.

Your status in a particular tier is good for the remainder of the Qualifying Year in which you qualify for that tier and the following full Qualifying Year. After that, you’ll need to spend enough to qualify for that tier on an annual basis for each Qualifying Year subsequently. For example, if you qualify for Tier 3, Gold Member, during your first Qualifying Year, you’ll maintain Gold Member status during your second Qualifying Year.

But, if you spend less than $4,500 on eligible purchases during your second Qualifying Year, you’ll drop back down to Tier 2, Silver Member status (if you had spent at least $2,500 but less than $4,500) or Tier 1, TF Member status (if you had spent less than $2,500) at the start of your third Qualifying Year.

3.3. For your eligible purchase to qualify for the Program, you must be enrolled in the Program and you must provide your Program member identification at the time of purchase by providing your mobile phone number or your registered email address to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in a Store. To earn points, your purchase must be made on qualifying products and services. Eligible purchases include regular priced merchandise and service, and exclude redemption items, samples and gifts with purchases, shopping bags, discounts and/or other ad hoc promotions and excluded charges specified by us from time-to-time. If you are not a member of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program at the time of purchase, you must enroll in Store in order to be eligible to earn points on that purchase. However, if your membership in the Program is terminated for any reason and you enroll in a new Program account, any purchases made prior to the date you enroll in a new Program account do not qualify for points.

3.4. Rewards can only be redeemed in any Stores in person. Purchases made in department stores, specialty stores, stores and counters not solely owned and operated by Tom Ford Beauty and outside of Hong Kong or Macau are not eligible for the Program.

3.5. In addition to these purchases, you may also earn points for taking certain Program actions in Stores. Please see our FAQs for a list of the current ways to earn points in Stores. To earn points, you must be a Program member and provide your Program member identification before completing the actions, by providing your Program member identifying information (e.g. name, registered email address and/or mobile phone number) to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in a Store. The number of points, if any, awarded for each action is determined by Tom Ford Beauty in its sole but reasonable discretion and in all cases subject to a maximum number of points earned for each action per Qualifying Year.

3.6. We reserve the right to change Program benefits, how you unlock each Program tier and how we evaluate and reward your eligible purchases and/or other Program activity. We reserve the right to place limits on the number of purchases or activities that are eligible for the Program and/or for any given tier, the number or types of rewards or benefits you may receive or earn in any given tier, in a given time period or for the duration of the Program, and/or any combination thereof.

3.7 If you have concerns that a purchase or other activity was not properly applied to your account, you should contact Tom Ford Beauty Customer Service per the contact information in section 11 below.  Your email must specify your name and email address associated with the Program, the date of the Program activity, and the issue(s) you encountered.  This email must be sent no more than forty-five (45) days after the date the purchase or other Program activity took place.  We are not responsible for late notifications after the mentioned timeframe about purchases or other Program activities not being credited to an account.

3.8 Points are valid until next 30 June from your enrollment / anniversary date. All unused points will expire and be forfeited on the following July 1. On July 1, your points will be reset to zero (0) and you may start accumulating new points  and unlocking new rewards.

4. Product Rewards and Benefits

4.1. As a member, you earn points that determine your points rewards. Product rewards and samples are redeemable in-store (subject to availability) in person. You must provide your Program member identifying information (e.g. name, registered email address and/or mobile phone number) to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in a Store to redeem your benefits. 

4.1.1. Point Rewards: You may from time to time be eligible to redeem some or all of your points for product rewards of certain retail value. Please contact our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist or visit our Stores or Counters to see the latest reward offerings. Reward offerings are subject to availability. These rewards are based on the number of points you have accumulated based on your qualified spending in the corresponding Qualifying Year membership. Once you have redeemed your points reward, your points balance will be reduced by the applicable points value for that reward. You must redeem your available points/rewards prior to  June 30, or the unused points and rewards will expire. On July 1, your points reset to zero (0) and you may start accumulating new points and earning new rewards.

4.1.2. Tier Benefits: Certain benefits are based on tier achieved and you are eligible for these benefits while you are in that tier regardless of the number of points you currently have. Tier benefits can be redeemed in Stores, depending on the benefit. On July 1, even though your points reset to zero (0), your initial tier status for the year is determined by your qualifying spend in the prior Qualifying Year. Please review our FAQs for more information on how to redeem your tier benefits.

4.2. Neither accounts nor Program rewards, benefits and/or points may be transferred, shared or combined.  Only the merchandised product(s) purchased by member may accumulate rewards, benefits and/or points. Members will not receive rewards, benefits and/or points on purchases which are reimbursed by corporations or other organizations ineligible to participate in the Program. We reserve the right to monitor the number of accounts per household and refuse, merge or close additional or duplicate accounts at any time. Your account information (including security details) are confidential and should not be shared with any other person.

4.3. Rewards, benefits and/or points earned through the Program have no cash value, are non-transferable, and you have no property rights in or to rewards or other Program benefits.  Points credited to your Program account will be decreased or reversed, as applicable, if part or all of a purchase is returned or cancelled or if the credit is obtained through fraudulent or other activity that violates these Program terms.  The sale, barter, transfer, or assignment of any rewards benefits, or points offered through the Program, other than by us, is expressly prohibited. Any applicable tax liabilities resulting from rewards earned under the Program are the responsibility of the member.

4.4. Rewards cannot be exchanged or returned for points, another product or service or a monetary refund.

4.5. The products and services available through the Program and any samples that we may provide to you are for personal use only. You may not sell or resell any of the products, services, or samples you purchase or otherwise receive from us. We reserve the right, without notice, to cancel or reduce the quantity of any order to be filled and/or any products or services to be provided to you that we believe, in our reasonable sole discretion, may result in the violation of our Program Terms.

4.6. We are not responsible for rewards, benefits and/or points lost or redeemed due to fraudulent activity by you or any third party.

4.7. We reserve the right in accordance with section 6 below to:

• Change Program benefits, how you reach each Program tier, how you earn points and how we evaluate and reward your eligible purchases and/or other Program activity;
• Place limits on the number of purchases or activities that are eligible for the Program and/or for any given tier or point level, the number or types of rewards or benefits you may receive or earn in any given tier or at any given point level, in a given time period or for the duration of the Program, and/or any combination thereof. 

4.8. Rewards can be redeemed in Stores operated by Tom Ford Beauty in Hong Kong or Macau, depending on the reward.

5. Program Communications

5.1. By enrolling in the Program, you will be automatically subscribed to receive Program related communications. You will be subscribed to receive marketing communications related to Tom Ford Beauty and the Program, only after you have indicated your consent to receive marketing information and only through the channels to which you have consented.

5.2. You may opt-out of receiving marketing information or Program-related messages at any time by following the instructions provided in such communications and as otherwise provided in the Tom Ford Beauty Privacy Policy, but operational communications will still be sent to you as they relate to your membership in the Program. Examples of these include, but are not limited to, redemption confirmation emails, profile update emails, or other communications that relate to your account.  If you terminate your Program membership, you will no longer receive any Program-related communications.

6. Termination and Modification

6.1. We may cancel, modify, restrict or terminate these Terms, our FAQs, and/or the Program or any aspect or feature of the Program from time to time, and such changes may affect the value of rewards or benefits already accumulated or earned and/or the ability to redeem accumulated rewards or benefits. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide advance notice to you of any material changes to or the cancellation, modification or restriction of these Terms, our FAQs and/or the Program in writing or our other channels. You should review these Terms and the FAQs frequently to understand the terms and conditions that apply to the Program. The date of the latest update to these Terms and the FAQs will be stated clearly on our website and the changes made by that update will only apply from the specified date. If you disagree with any changes to these Terms, our FAQs and/or the Program, you may cancel your membership in accordance with section 6.3.

6.2. We reserve the right to exclude you from or to discontinue your participation in the Program and to audit your membership account at any time, in our sole reasonable discretion. Any suspected abuse of the Program, failure to follow any sections of these Terms, illegal activity, fraud, misrepresentation or other conduct which we consider (acting reasonably) to be inconsistent with these Terms and/or detrimental to us or our interests, including without limitation, any suspected illegal, fraudulent other unauthorized use of any Program rewards, points, cards, credits, vouchers, coupons and/or certificates, may result in the revocation of your membership and make you ineligible for further participation in the Program.  If your membership is revoked, any rewards or benefits in your account will automatically expire and your access to the Program and features will automatically terminate. If we suspect illegal activity, fraud, misrepresentation, abuse or violation of these Terms, we also have the right to take appropriate legal action, in our sole discretion.

6.3. If you decide you no longer want to be a part of the Program, you may cancel your membership by contacting Customer Service per the contact information in section 11 below. If you cancel your membership, you will lose all accumulated points, benefits and your tier status will automatically expire.

7. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

7.1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, neither tom ford beauty nor our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, or licensors will be responsible or liable in contract, warranty or in tort (including negligence) for any (a) interruption of business; (b) access delays or access interruptions to the program; (c) data non-delivery, loss, theft, misdelivery, corruption, destruction or other modification; (d) loss or damages of any sort incurred as a result of dealings with or the presence of third party links on the site or use of any reward or benefit of the program; (e) computer viruses, system failures or malfunctions which may occur in connection with your use of the site, including during hyperlink to or from third party websites; (f) any inaccuracies or omissions in program content; or (g) events beyond our reasonable control. We make no representations or warranties that defects or errors will be corrected.

7.2. Further neither tom ford beauty nor our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, or licensors will be liable for any indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind (including but not limited to lost profits) related to the program and/or your participation therein, whether in contract, warranty or in tort (including negligence), even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event shall our maximum aggregate liability exceed one thousand Hong Kong dollars (HK$1,000.00).

7.3. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, you agree that no claims or action in contract, warranty or in tort (including negligence) arising out of, or related to, your participation in the program, use of any rewards or other benefit or these terms may be brought by you more than one (1) year after the cause of action relating to such claim or action arose.

8. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, licensors, officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless for any loss, damages or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any third party claim, action, or demand resulting from your participation in the Program in violation of any law, rule, regulation or these Terms.

9. Governing Law and Disputes

9.1. This Program and these Terms will be governed by and construed under the laws of Hong Kong, and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

9.2 Any dispute relating in any way to this program, these terms, your program membership, or the relationship between the parties shall be submitted to confidential arbitration in Hong Kong and you agree to submit yourself to the jurisdiction and proceedings thereof. Arbitration means that a single arbitrator will decide the claim, and you will not have the right to sue in court or to have a judge or jury decide your claim. Your rights to prehearing exchange of information and appeals may also be limited in arbitration. It is further agreed that any dispute over the scope of this arbitration provision and any dispute as to whether a claim is arbitral shall be submitted to the arbitrator for decision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of our affiliates, partners or licensors or otherwise have a cause of action in equity, we may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any court of competent jurisdiction and you consent to jurisdiction and venue in any such court for such purposes. Arbitration under these Terms shall be conducted under the prevailing Administered Arbitration Rules at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. The arbitrator's award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.

9.3 You agree that any arbitration or proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between us and you individually, and
(i) No arbitration or proceeding shall be joined with any other;
(ii) There is no right or authority for any dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class action-basis or to utilize class action procedures; and
(iii) There is no right or authority for any dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons.
You agree that you may bring claims against us only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding.

10. Privacy

We value your privacy. The personal information collected from you in connection with the Program, including but not limited to purchases made in connection with your Program membership, will be used and disclosed by us for the purpose of the administration of the Program, marketing in connection with the Program, sending other marketing emails or text messages that you have opted-in to receive, and/or for providing you with services requested Online, internal analysis and as otherwise permitted by the Tom Ford Beauty Privacy Policy.  We may share your personal information, for the purposes described herein, with service providers who perform services on our behalf based on our instructions. We may transfer your personal information to a jurisdiction outside of the place where the information was originally collected.

You can update your information by visiting any of our Stores. You have the right to access your personal information and the right to correct and/or update your personal information within your account.

For more information, you may consult our Privacy Policy.  

11. Contact Us

For information about the Program and your membership, contact Customer Service by calling +852 3104 1241 or via email at We are not responsible for requests or correspondence lost or delayed in the mail or over the Internet. You may also find answers from helpful frequently answered questions in our FAQs.

12. Severability

If part or all of any clause of these Terms is unenforceable, it will be severed, and the remainder of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.


Last updated July 1, 2024

Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program (“Program”)

1. What is the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program? +
It is a loyalty program operated by Estee Lauder (Hong Kong) Limited and Estee Lauder (Macau) Limited, by joining the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program, you may enjoy rewards and exclusive privileges. Points earned on purchases may from time to time earn you our most loved luxuries.

2. Who is eligible to join the Program?
The Program is available to individuals who are at least 18 years or older who provide and maintain a valid email address or mobile phone number Minimum one purchase is needed to join the Program. Employees of The Estée Lauder Companies and individuals employed by our business partners or vendors are not eligible to participate in the Program. The Program may not be used for any business or commercial purpose.

3. How do I join Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program?
You are eligible to join the Program by signing up with a Tom Ford Beauty Specialist at any Freestanding Store* or department store counter** operated by Tom Ford Beauty in Hong Kong and Macau (collectively “Stores”, and each a “Store”) upon any eligible purchase. You will need to provide your name, mobile phone number, email address and month of birth in order to enroll. You may also provide us with your preferred salutation, date of birth and age group on optional basis.

4. What am I agreeing to by joining Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program? +
By becoming a Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program member, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Program TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION and by the terms of our Privacy Policy (as may be modified and published from time to time on our website).

5. What terms govern Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program? +
Please refer to the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION for the full set of Program terms.

6. How does Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program work? +
It is a tier-based program determined by the qualifying spend on eligible purchases and through qualifying activities, calculated every July 1 to June 30 each period in which you accumulate qualifying spending and activities (“Qualifying Year”).
Each subsequent Qualifying Year for the Program begins on July 1 and ends on the following June 30.

There are 4 tiers of membership with associated benefits:
• Tier 1, TF Member                 $1 – $2,499
• Tier 2, Silver Member            $2,500 – $4,499
• Tier 3, Gold Member             $4,500 – $9,999
• Tier 4, Black Member            $10,000 or above

When you purchase anything of $1 - $2,499 in value, you’ll automatically be placed in Tier 1, TF Member and be eligible for all the benefits Tier 1 members receive. Once you spend at least $2,500 on eligible purchases in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be automatically moved up to Tier 2, Silver Member. When you spend $4,500 or more on eligible purchases in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be qualified for Tier 3, Gold Member. When you spend $10,000 or more on eligible purchases in your first Qualifying Year, you’ll be qualified for Tier 4, Black Member.

Your status in a particular tier is good for the remainder of the Qualifying Year in which you qualify for that tier and the following full Qualifying Year. After that, you’ll need to spend enough to qualify for that tier on yearly basis for each Qualifying Year subsequently.

For example, if you qualify for Tier 3, Gold Member, during your first Qualifying Year, you’ll maintain Gold Member status during your second Qualifying Year. But, if you spend less than $4,500 on eligible purchases during your second Qualifying Year, you’ll drop back down to Tier 2, Silver Member status (if you had spent at least $2,500 but less than $4,500) or Tier 1, TF Member status (if you had spent less than $2,500) at the start of your third Qualifying Year.

7. What benefits do members receive? +
As a member, you will earn points to enjoy Points and Tier Benefits.

Points Benefits: You may from time to time be eligible to redeem some or all of these points for product rewards of certain retail value. Please contact our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist or visit our Stores to see the latest reward offerings. Reward offerings are subject to availability. Once you have redeemed your points reward, your points balance will be reduced by the applicable points value for that reward. You must redeem your available points on or before June 30, otherwise the available points will expire. On July 1, your points will be reset to zero (0) and you may once again start accumulating new points and earning new rewards when you spend with us again.

Tier Benefits: Certain benefits are based on tier level achieved and you are eligible for these benefits while you are in that tier regardless of the number of points you have. Tier benefits can be redeemed in our Stores, depending on the type of benefit. On July 1, even though your points reset to zero (0), your initial tier status for the year is determined by your qualifying spend in the prior Qualifying Year.

Tier 1, TF Member  $1 – $2,499
• First Purchase Surprise (with purchase)*
• Second Purchase Surprise within 30 days (with purchase)*
• Birthday Surprise (once in birthday month)

Tier 2, Silver       $2,500 – $4,499
• All Tier 1 Benefits
• Birthday 2x double-point (with purchase, once in birthday month)
• Runway Season 2x double-point (with purchase)
• Private product preview & introduction

Tier 3, Gold       $4,500 – $9,999
• All Tier 1 & 2 Benefits
• Tier Upgrade Surprise (one time upon tier upgrade)
• Exclusive Event & Workshop Invitation

Tier 4, Black  $10,000 or above
• All Tier 1, 2 and 3 Benefits
• Year-round 1.5x point in all Stores
• Birthday 2.5x point (with purchase, once in birthday month)

* Dis-enrolling and re-enrolling does not qualify you for an additional use, this is exclusive one-time use only.

We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to change the surprise and gifts, without prior notice.

8. How do I earn points? +
To earn points, you must be enrolled in Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program, and you must provide your Program member identifying information (e.g. name, registered email address and/or mobile phone number) to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in any Store. If you are not a member of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program at the time of purchase, you must enroll in the Store in order to be eligible to earn points from that purchase.  Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program members receive at least 1 point for every HK$ 1 or MOP$1 spent on eligible purchases in Store, however the actual points earned depend on the purchase as well as your tier status. Eligible purchases include regular priced merchandise and exclude redemption items, samples and gifts with purchases, shopping bags, discounts and/or other ad hoc promotions and excluded charges specified by us from time-to-time.

Purchases made outside of Hong Kong or Macau are also not eligible for the Program.

In addition to these purchases, here are more ways to earn points:
• Bonus points for your first purchase in your birthday month (for tier 2, tier 3 & tier 4 members)
• Bonus points for your first purchase in Runway Seasons (for tier 2, tier 3 & tier 4 members)
• Bonus Points Events

9. Why have my points disappeared? +
When you redeem your points for product rewards, the available points in your account will decrease accordingly based on the amount of points you redeemed.

You must redeem your available points on or prior to June 30, or the unused rewards will expire. On July 1, your points and spend reset to 0 and you start accumulating new points and earning new rewards.

On  July 1, even though your points reset to zero (0), your tier status will remain unchanged which is determined by your qualifying spend in the prior Qualifying Year.

10. Why is my current tier status not reflected by my current points? +
While your points decrease when you redeem them for points benefits and reset each year on July 1, your tier status for Qualifying Year will remain unchanged which is determined by your qualifying spend during the prior Qualifying Year and you are eligible for those tier benefits regardless of the number of points you have. 

On July 1, your points balance will be reset to zero, and you can start earning points benefits again. 

11. How do I check my account status and track my points and tier? +
You can check your Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program account status by inquiring about your Program status in any Store, or of Customer Service via email at or by calling +852 31041241.

12. What happens to my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program benefits and/or points if I return a product or if an order is refunded? +
Any product that is returned or any order that is refunded will reverse the points you received from that purchase. 

If it is found that an order is obtained through fraudulent or other activity that violates the Program TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION, those points and your tier status, if applicable, will also be reversed.

13. How do I get my benefits? +
Your Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program offers and rewards can be redeemed in-Store. You can find your eligible offers and rewards by speaking to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in any Store. Details on event rewards will be provided for each event when the time comes.

Rewards can be redeemed in Stores operated by Tom Ford Beauty in Hong Kong or Macau. You must provide your Program member identifying information (e.g. name, registered email address and/or mobile phone number) to our Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in any Store, to use your benefits.

You can redeem as many rewards as you have points available and redeem multiple different products (limit to one item for each product). You do not need to make a qualifying purchase to redeem a reward.

We reserve the right to make certain rewards or offers redeemable only in specified Stores, subject to availability.  We also reserve the right to modify or replace the reward or offer item with another item in the event of unavailability without prior notice to members.

14. How do I get my product reward?
You may from time to time be eligible to redeem some or all of those points for product rewards of certain retail value in Store. Please consult with a Tom Ford Beauty Specialist to see the latest reward offerings and make a redemption in any Store. To redeem your points, simply provide your Program member identifying information (e.g. name, registered email address and/or mobile phone number) to a Tom Ford Beauty Specialist in any Store. If you do not redeem your available points on or before 30 June, your points for that Qualifying Year will expire. Product rewards are subject to availability and cannot be exchanged or returned for points, another product or a monetary refund.

15. Can I return a product that I received as a free reward from Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program or exchange it for money? +
No. Products received as a reward (e.g., birthday gifts, free full-size products, etc.) cannot be returned or exchanged for money or any other products or points except defects.

16. Do my points and point benefits expire? +
Yes. Points expire on July 1, at which time they reset to zero (0). You must redeem your available points before 30 June, While your spending and points reset on July 1  each year.

17. Do my tier status and tier benefits expire? +
Tier benefits are valid for as long as you are in a specific tier. If you move down a tier, your benefits change accordingly.

On July 1, your points reset to zero (0), and you can start earning points again. While your points reset on July 1, your tier status is determined by your qualifying spend in each prior Qualifying Year. Your status in a particular tier is good for the remainder of the Qualifying Year in which you qualify for that tier and the following full Qualifying Year. After that, you’ll need to spend enough to qualify for that tier on a yearly basis subsequently.

For example, if you qualify for Tier 2 (Silver Member), during your first Qualifying Year, you’ll maintain Silver Member status during your second Qualifying Year. But, if you spend less than $2,500 on eligible purchases during your second Qualifying Year, you’ll drop back down to Tier 1, TF Member status starting on your third Qualifying Year.

18. Does my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program membership ever expire? +
Yes. Membership is subject to qualifying purchases in any Stores in previous Qualifying Year.

19. Can the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program be terminated? +
Yes. We may cancel, modify, restrict or terminate the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program or any aspect or feature of this loyalty program from time to time, and such changes may affect the value of points and benefits already accumulated or earned and/or the ability to redeem accumulated points and benefits.

20. Can my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program membership be terminated? +
Tom Ford Beauty in its sole reasonable discretion, can terminate any member for any reason including, but not limited to, any failure to comply with the Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program terms and/or our other applicable terms and conditions.

21. What happens to any rewards I have earned if my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program membership is terminated or expires? +
If your membership is terminated, points and benefits in your account will automatically terminate.
We will advise you of the effective date of termination of the Program, rewards and benefits.

22. How do I terminate my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program membership if I no longer wish to participate? +
If you decide you no longer want to be a part of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program, you can opt-out by contacting Customer Service via email at or by calling +852 31041241.

23. How do I update, modify or withdraw my account information? +
You can update your information by visiting in person at any of the Tom Ford Beauty stores. You have the right to access your personal information and the right to correct and/or update your personal information within your account. For more information, see the Tom Ford Beauty Terms & Conditions and Tom Ford Beauty Privacy Policy.

24. What do I do if I believe that a purchase or other Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program activity was not properly credited to my account? +
If you have questions related to your membership account, please contact Customer Service via email at or by calling +852 31041241.

25. May I share my account and/or Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program points and benefits with someone else? +
No. Neither accounts nor Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program points and benefits may not be shared or combined. Only the merchandised products may accumulate points and benefits.

26. Do my points and benefits have any cash value? +
No. Points and benefits earned through Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program have no cash value, are non-transferable, and you have no property rights in the points and benefits. Products received as a Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program reward cannot be returned or exchanged for money or any other products or points.

27. Can my Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program benefits ever change? +
Yes. We reserve the right to change Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program benefits, how you achieve each Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program tier, how you earn points and how we evaluate and reward your eligible purchases and/or other Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program activity at our discretion. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide advance notice to you of any material changes to or the cancellation, modification or restriction of our Program terms, these FAQs and/or the Program in writing or our other channels.

28. Are there any limitations on the number of purchases or activities that are eligible for Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program and/or points and benefits? +
We reserve the right to place limits on the number of purchases or activities that are eligible for Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program and/or for points and benefits, in any given time period or for the duration of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program, and/or any combination thereof.

29. Are there any limitations on the number or types of benefits I may receive or earn in any given level or at any given number/level of points? +
We reserve the right to place limits on the number or types of benefits you may receive or earn in any given tier or at any given point level, in a given time period or for the duration of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program, and/or any combination thereof.

30. How do I manage my Tom Ford Beauty email communications? +
You can opt out of receiving Tom Ford Beauty emails or Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program emails at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of each email communication. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on managing your email preferences. If you opt-out of Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program related emails, you will no longer receive emails regarding your Tom Ford Beauty Loyalty Program status or the program benefits or rewards that may be available to you.



Still have questions? Please contact Customer Service via email at or by calling +852 31041241.